Treadmill to outside Running and Shin Splints
happy Thursday! I gotta make this fast – jersey shore is on!
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5 minute Run warm Up A
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0 seconds of 5 minutes, 34 seconds
Running tip stay healthy during the COVID19 Outbreak
My day started with pumpkin oat bran. I’m not sure why exactly. Oh, it was because Ben was eating oatmeal and I’m easily influenced. I love eating oatmeal, but I’m always hungry 40 minutes later.
But, after my 4 mile walk (that with some strength, was my exercise today) I came home H.ungry and ate more strawbs. They are hairy. Why am I just noticing this now?
Lunch was PopCorners and frittata on a salad. You can put anything on a salad. even Swedish Fish. Încredere.
Then, I had an appointment and some calls to make. appointments and calls require fuel, preferably involving granola.
I made a smoothie in a bowl and finally broke down and ordered more of my favorite protein powder. God Bless it.
Nu știu.
I fit 15 minutes of blog reading in there somewhere. This new method is helping me stay productive! It would help more if I only did it once a day…
I tried something new with my hair, but all the back pictures came out blurry. So, this doesn’t help anyone at all. Cu plăcere.
I just had a short shift training 2 clients tonight and walked to work. Ben ran to meet me on the way home! He’s training for the 5k and big Sur 10 miler, but recently joined a MMA gym so running has taken a back seat. Blasfemie!
As soon as we got home he grilled up some chicken sausages and I made a broccoli slaw salad. We have avocados coming out of our ears over here! și îmi place.
Bine. I have gotten some form of the following two questions a lot recently.
1. how do I go from the treadmill to the street?
2. My shins hurt. Ajutor?!?!
So, I’m grabbing one example of each and answering it…
Question: Hello! I’m fairly new to your blog-I found you a few weeks ago and I’m loving it! I have a few running questions. I really enjoy running, but I’m a little intimidated by it and a bit mentally blocked. I would say 98% of the running I do right now is on a treadmill. I think this is because it’s my “comfort zone”, and I live in an area that doesn’t have any good places to run. Do you have any tips from transitioning from the treadmill to the road? Mulțumiri!
Answer: First, it’s important to realize it is a little harder to run outside versus the treadmill so don’t think something is wrong when you start out. Go slow and let your legs find their “happy pace”. since you’re used to the treadmill dictating the pace, and being super consistent with the speed it’s going to feel weird.
Fii răbdător. continua să fie difuzate. Repeta.
One more tip: When you are on the treadmill try put it on a 1 incline to help better mimic outside conditions.
Question: Last Thursday I ran 7 miles, felt great. two days later headed out for a 5 mile run. two miles in my shins on both legs started hurting like crazy. The pain was sharp and on the side of the shin (anterior), not the front. I had to stop running and walked home. The pain was still there while walking and persisted over the next few days. I haven’t run since because I’m worried I will cause more damage before the race. I have jumped and jogged in place and still feel pain when doing this. I have shoes that are properly fitted, they have 70ish miles on them, and aside from running a further distance than ever before, I haven’t done anything different. any advice you have would be great (should I still run before 15k, do I rest until 15k, how can I speed recovery, etc.)
Answer: the best way to help shin splints is RICE –
I know you don’t want to Rest, but it’s the first part of RICE. Take it easy and show up on race day rested.
You can get shin splints from “too many toos” — running too hard, too fast or for too long. (sursă)
The Mayo clinic suggests you see a doctor if over the counter medication doesn’t help.
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or shinologist, but these are questions all us runners wanna know. sper ca ajuta. Chime in on the comments!
Okay I need to watch jersey Shore!!! Ne vedem mai tarziu!
Questions: tips for our running friends?
thoughts on the last jersey Shore?
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Împărtășirea este grijulie!
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